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Thermo Scientificâ„¢ Open Inventorâ„¢ Toolkit helps application developers deliver better applications faster, by providing fast, powerful, dependable 3D graphics libraries.
In this gallery you will find commercial application examples, scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or videos that show Open Inventor Toolkit usage in Medical, Dental, Oil & Gas, and Engineering markets.
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CAMILO 3D-surface design tool for aerodynamic optimization

CAMILO 3D-surface design tool for aerodynamic optimization

OPTIMAD selected Open Inventor as the core 3D visualization component for the CAMILO 3D-surface design tool for aerodynamic optimization.

OPTIMAD (Optimization Methods for Aerodynamic Design) develops advanced analysis, design, and optimization software for solving complex fluid-dynamical phenomena in nearly every industry: automotive and aeronautical engineering, urban flows, turbomachinery, and more.

CAMILO (Computer Aided Manipulation by Level-set for Optimization) is a tool ... Read more

Rocco Arpa, Senior R&D Engineer at OPTIMAD

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